Monday, July 21, 2014

Motivation for Monday (and the rest of the week)

Mondays are super hard for me.  Not only is it the beginning of another string of days full of all the monotonous chores that I did last week, but it's also the longest day of my week because of Jake's schedule.  So, for that reason, I need an extra boost and maybe you do, too.  Each week I'm going to do my best to post something inspiring or motivational to help get us going in the direction we need to go and not be dragged down by the fact that the laundry basket is full again.

For this week, I've chosen the following image that I have pinned to my Pinterest account:

I really like this statement because it is simple, yet powerfully true.  If there is something you want to do (or stop doing) there really are only two options.  If we don't make progress on it, then we must have an excuse for why we didn't:  oh, I was too tired.  I forgot.  I had way too many other things to do.  The baby wouldn't stop crying...

A lot of the time I am guilty of not recognizing the power of the little moments.  I know in my brain that if I just steal a moment here and there to work on something, it will, in the end, get done.  I often think that I need some huge chunk of guaranteed, uninterrupted time in order to accomplish something, but that's just not true.  The small things add up.  So, if you're tired, like me, let's just do our best, steal a few moments, and make some progress.

So, here's to Monday and making progress!

currently listening to: Into the Wild by LP

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