Monday, August 18, 2014

Motivation for Monday

Good morning, friends!

I apologize for only posting about once a week lately.  It has been Crazytown, USA over here with Jake's work schedule and trying to get everything ready for the shop opening this week!!  I'm really excited to finally be opening up the shop and continue to make pretty things to fill it.  Anyways, here's our piece of motivation for the week!

I love this little piece of advice.  It is so simple, yet the impact of starting each day with a positive thought could be really great.  I am going to try really hard to do this and not be discouraged by the trials and troubles that we are facing.  I invite you to join me to be more positive and to make it a habit to think positively.  

I'll be back later this week with the shop launch news!

currently listening to: Where We Belong by Passion Pit

Monday, August 11, 2014

Motivation for Your Monday

Since B was born, I've been going through a really hard time.  There have been a lot of adjustments emotionally, financially, and even within the relationships of the people that are the closest to me.  Not all of the adjustments have been great.  Actually, I've been through a lot of bad days recently, but I'm trying really hard to remember that the situation is temporary and there are better days ahead.  Since this week is expected to be a difficult one, I chose this quote to help lift me up.

I'm hoping that the best days of my life are around the corner, and I'm going to keep looking for them.  I hope that whatever you're facing, you can remember this simple truth to help you get through the day (week, month, year...).

I hope you have a great Monday to set you up for a great week!

Currently listening to: Pompeii by Bastille

Monday, August 4, 2014

Motivation for Monday

Confession:  I am a worrier.  I worry about so many things that Jake and I actually joke about putting things on my "List of Things I'm Not Worrying About".  I am also highly considering making such a list, but I would need to do it on a roll of receipt paper so that it could just keep going, and going...  So, when I found this quote by Ernest Hemingway, it really spoke to me.

I must say that he's totally right.  Worry never does fix anything and it just ruins the present moment.  This is something that I desperately need to remember.  My goal for this week is to start a list of my worries and write down everything that is worrying me.  I find that getting things on paper really does relieve them in my mind.  Then, when I come across a solution to my worry, I'll write that down next to it.  I'm hoping that this exercise will free up some brain space for creativity and progress.

Are you a worrier?  What's your plan to decrease your worry?

currently listening to: Stay and Defend by Wolf Gang