Monday, August 4, 2014

Motivation for Monday

Confession:  I am a worrier.  I worry about so many things that Jake and I actually joke about putting things on my "List of Things I'm Not Worrying About".  I am also highly considering making such a list, but I would need to do it on a roll of receipt paper so that it could just keep going, and going...  So, when I found this quote by Ernest Hemingway, it really spoke to me.

I must say that he's totally right.  Worry never does fix anything and it just ruins the present moment.  This is something that I desperately need to remember.  My goal for this week is to start a list of my worries and write down everything that is worrying me.  I find that getting things on paper really does relieve them in my mind.  Then, when I come across a solution to my worry, I'll write that down next to it.  I'm hoping that this exercise will free up some brain space for creativity and progress.

Are you a worrier?  What's your plan to decrease your worry?

currently listening to: Stay and Defend by Wolf Gang

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